Portrait Photography

Photography is an easy job as Artificial intelligence technology can automate everything creating good photos even in very low light conditions. Many use mobile photos to make passport-size photographs. In UAE if you use the same photo for the Emirates ID application the Ai system will reject it because of wrong lighting, distortion and lack of details and shadows in the background etc. Finally, we go to a photo studio for getting the right photo.

Mobile Portrait Photography:

The most important factor is the source of light. Direct sunlight is not desirable as it causes strong shadows. Tell the person to stand in front of a plain white wall under the shade preferably outdoors facing the light source. Diffused daylight (not direct light) reflecting from the sky or nearby buildings is the best source for getting the best quality natural portrait without creating any shadows on the background. When we take portraits mobile should be placed a little far away from the subject and need to put portrait mode in the setting.

Professional Portrait Photography:

Studio photographers use an SLR camera and use a 70 – 100 mm telephoto setting to avoid distortion of the image. For the light source, they never use direct flash light connected to the camera. For getting diffused light they use a white umbrella with a flash kept inside. The camera is connected to the flash units by using wireless radio trigger/receiver units. The trigger is fixed to the camera by the hot shoe. The receiver unit is fixed to the flash by means of the hot shoe to a tripod. Photographers can move the flash unit where ever he likes within the studio and creates excellent sharp natural looking photographs without too much editing.

The economic trigger-receiver unit is available here.